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Cockroach Invasion: A Real Nightmare in Nevada

1- The Terrifying Invasion: In a terrifying scene, huge numbers of cockroaches invaded the American state of Nevada, leaving behind extreme terror among the residents of those cities and passersby. Imagine a scene from a horror movie: the roads are covered with cockroaches, the fields and bushes are teeming with them, and even the walls are climbed by these disgusting insects.

2- The Terrifying Migration: According to the American media, the migration of millions of Mormon cockroaches arrived in the city of Elko, Nevada, a week ago. These small insects are spreading everywhere, leaving behind disgusting and terrifying traces.

3- The Terrifying Reactions: Precious Drake, a resident of Nevada, describes the situation as extremely disgusting. "They are defecating everywhere, we just stay inside and don't go out." Imagine being trapped in your home, fearing these disgusting insects.

4- Nightmare Origin: These cockroaches are native to the western United States and are migratory. They have a life cycle of four to six years, then they hibernate for a few years. Their last hibernation period ended in 2019, so now they are back with a vengeance.

5- Constant Travel: According to the University of Nevada Reno, these cockroaches travel between half a mile and one mile each day, then stay in one location for three to four days. Imagine these insects constantly moving, leaving behind destruction and terror.

6- Combating the invasion: The Nevada Transportation Authority is working hard to combat this invasion. It has deployed some of its cockroach control operations from roads in Nevada, trying to restore peace and safety to residents.

Will Nevada succeed in overcoming this terrifying invasion? Stay tuned for the latest developments in this real nightmare.

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