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A car stores information that police use to uncover a murder

A car that stores information we never expected is employed by the police to uncover a murder

A car that stores the data we never expected is used by the police to uncover a murder A car, in line with its modernity, can collect information without your knowledge, because it reveals every hidden person and records all of your private information it's obvious that somebody can reach the reality only with great effort, but the used car can collect all of your data, especially all data, including entering and leaving the car. it's difficult to verify any quiet data protection generally, just because cars collect any sensitive data. To call logs, contacts and text messages. The police don't seem to be people who get the knowledge, but rather an Australian citizen used an application in his friend’s Long rover car, which allowed him to understand every young and old about his friend. the author Olivia Solon says, "I've seen people not give some thought to the knowledge their cars keep once they're sold. This led me to a car that I had bought your time ago, but the vendor means the dealer prevented me from accessing the knowledge to the car owner." "I could have known his phone numbers and his home address if I wanted to, quite easily."

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