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Sentenciant in the case of Saudia activiste Loujain Al-Hathloul

  The trial of Saudi activist Louis Al-Hathloul has been publicized by the US State Department, according to media sources. The right to freedom of speech was upheld.

According to a tweet from the US State Department, the activist's viewpoint was that "we are worried by reports that Saudi Arabian activist Louis Al-Hathloul has been imprisoned." We emphasized the necessity of peaceful activism and freedom of expression in the country. "Improving Women's Rights in Asian Countries" is a project that aims to improve women's rights in Asian countries.

The US State Department tweeted, "We are disturbed by news that activist Louis Al-Hathloul has been sentenced to prison by a Saudi court." "We have underlined the importance of freedom of expression and peaceful activity in order to enhance women's rights in Saudi Arabia."

I'm disappointed that human rights campaigner #LoujainAlHathloul was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison by a Saudi terrorist court. Loujain was a key figure in the advancement of women's rights in Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi authorities should rethink her sentence and drop all charges against her.

"I am saddened by the Saudi Terror Court's verdict against human rights campaigner Loujain Al-Hathloul," said Tim Reich, head of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He was given a five-year and eight-month sentence." The Saudi authorities should reconsider this verdict and remove all accusations against them, as they play a key role in promoting women's rights in Saudi Arabia.

According to a group of European and American parties, the French and German governments have called for the release of Saudi fighter Al-Hathloul. Hemon Reich Watch had called for the shooter's release shortly before, at the request of the Canadian government. The number of human rights defenders is growing.

According to the Saudi magazine, the activist was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison, including two with the Syrians, which means that she has only three months left.

"I am appalled by the Saudi counter-terrorism court's decision against human rights activist Loujain Al-Hathloul," Tim Reich, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Twitter. He was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison. She added, "The Saudi authorities should reconsider their decision and drop all charges against them as they play an important role in promoting women's rights in Saudi Arabia."

As the French and German governments demanded the release of Saudi fighter Al-Hathloul, the subject received considerable attention from European and American publications. At the request of the Canadian government, Hem appealed to the Reich Watch for the release of the activist. The current trend among human rights defenders is described.

The activist was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison, suspended for two years and ten months, as well as three months of community service, according to the Saudi magazine.

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