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Movies Return (At Home Alone) Disney's 30th Anniversary Cake Design Returns (Home Alone) Disney's 30th Anniversary Cake Design Returns (At Home Alone), Disney's 30th Anniversary Cake Design

Families gather at home to get a feel of the comedy "Home Alone" and watch hilarious pranks while enjoying the New Year, comedic pranks and sweet jokes in "The Thieves" starring Kevin.

It was first released in cinemas in 1990, garnering positive reviews and winning the appreciation of audiences all over the world.

The story revolves around an 8-year-old boy who is accidentally left by his parents, and he travels to Paris for the Christmas holidays, where he sleeps. In that city, thieves rob the rich man's house, and when they learn that Kevin lives alone in the house, they decide to rob the house, and the prank and comedy incident begins here

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