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Roberto Carlos thrills audience with tribute to Erasmo: 'My brother for all eternity'

Erasmo Carlos has been a constant presence at almost all of Roberto Carlos's special events since the musical's debut in 1974. The death of Tremendo on November 22nd ended a tradition, but not the friendship that had existed between the two artists for over 50 years.

Uma das presenças garantidas em quase todos os especiais de "He will always be my brother, my friend and my partner, from now on and for eternity. He will always have a special place in my heart. This is my favorite brother. God

One of the guaranteed appearances at nearly all "He" events. To pay tribute to Tremendão, the King changed an excerpt from the song's chorus: "I don't even need to say, all that I tell you, but it's very good to know that Erasmo is my friend". Leonardo Esteves, the son of a Rio de Janeiro artist, cried a lot in the audience, which was also moved by the tribute, which also showed remarkable moments of friendship between the two idols of Jovem Guarda.

One of the appearances Tremendo's demise

Erasmo Carlos died on November 22, at the age of 81, in Rio de Janeiro. The information was initially provided to gshow by a source connected to the artist's relatives and confirmed by GloboNews. A joint statement issued by the singer's family, the band, and Barra D'or hospital hours later stated that the cause of death was panniculitis complicated by cutaneous sepsis. as guaranteed in almost all "He" specifics

One of the appearances Tremendo's demise

In October, the singer, songwriter, actor and multi-instrumentalist had been hospitalized and, upon being discharged on 11/2, he countered rumors that he was dead joking: "After they killed me, I resurrected on All Souls' Day". On November 21, he returned to the hospital and did not resist. Erasmo's wake and burial were only attended by family and close friends.

"Listen to his songs and messages if you want to honor him. Nothing would make him happier or more loved than this! ", said the final part of the regret note.

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