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In a sudden escalation, Elon Musk accuses the Biden administration of "biasing" against Tesla


Elon Musk, in an unexpectedly heated exchange, accused the Biden administration of "favouring" Tesla. She was not invited to the most recent White House event promoting electric vehicles.
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, claimed that President Joe Biden and his administration are "biased against his company," referring to the fact that the company was not invited to a recent White House event promoting electric vehicles.
And Musk blasted the criticism, saying on Tuesday at the Code conference in the metropolis, Calif., that the US administration was "not the friendliest and most union-controlled." He stated that he would favour determining a "more centrist" president.
Around 10,000 employees work at Tesla's Fremont factory, which is located in Fremont, California. On various occasions, the UAW has attempted to expand union activities in the area.
Despite global concerns about China's designation as an investment market, Tesla's CEO reaffirmed the electric car company's commitment to China, saying, "Tesla would continue to extend its investments within the country."
Musk made his comments at China's Cyberspace Administration's globe Internet Conference during a pre-recorded question-and-answer session.
Less than a fortnight ago, Musk said at the planet New Energy Vehicle Conference that Chinese automakers were "the best within the world".

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