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Mahiro Takasugi Decided to be a new member of Gochi

Guru Guru Ninety Nine's variety "Mahiro Takasugi actor" was revealed on January 20. On the same day, he was announced on the special "Guru Guru Ninety Nine W New Member Announcement 2 Hours SP."

"Gochi Battle" is a rule in which regular members and guests order without regard for the menu's value in a particularly high-end restaurant, and the participant who is the furthest from the predetermined price pays the full price for each of them. Members of the Gochi who have a high total quantity of self-sufficiency for a year are "kubi" in the corner, and new members are added the following year. Actress Ayami Nakajo and actor Kouhei Matsushita became "Kubi" and graduated from the program in the previous season's final round.

◇ Changes in Gochi members up to now (honorary titles omitted)

 Octobre 1998-2000  Takashi Okamura, Hiroyuki Yabe, Taichi Kokubun, Tetsuro Degawa

2000-2001  Okamura, Yabe, Kokubu, Degawa

2002  Okamura, Yabe, Kokubu, Degawa, Tomoko Nakajima

2003  Yabe, Kokubu, Degawa, Nakajima, Thane Camus

2004  Okamura, Yabe, Kokubu, Eiichiro Funakoshi, Nakajima

2005  Okamura, Yabe, Kokubu, Funakoshi (de retour dans un nouveau match de remplacement de membre), Nakajima

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